An Allison post
A lot happens in 3 months. (We apparently aren't juggling masters when it comes to multiple technology options.)
We've been here for 8 MONTHS!!!!!!!!! Since Sunday anyway. The sun will soon be sharing equal running time with the moon. Sunrise (Soloppgang) currently happens at 6:58 and Sunset (Solnedgang) currently happening at 6:05. THIS is hope for us.
If you've been reading our monthly newsletters, you know that we've been traveling a bit around North Europe, Latvia and Estonia as new notches to our travel belt. It's been eye-opening in many ways regarding how people view each other and their relationships to one another in this part of the world. On one hand, people are self-dependent, closed, hardened exterior as if to protect themselves. But on the other hand, I can see how much people take pride in the legacy of their families withstanding oppression and staying alive through some tough history. THIS is relevant, and experience similar to the stories of many people I know around the world, including the stories that resonate in the life of my own family.
We took the trip to Latvia a few weeks ago accompanying the "Konfimasjon" group on their service-mission. **Konfirmasjon is a common practice in the Lutheran Church (as well as Catholic/Anglican) where young people confirm the faith that was dedicated for them in their baptism as a baby.** While there we met a lot of people, and whereas many people remark only of positive experiences, I do remember experiencing some unsavory moments with several people. One woman in particularly was a lady I was asked to help in setting up for an evening gathering of young adults. As someone suggested to her that I could be of help on her team, she protested saying, "Who, Her?! Help with what? I don't need HER!" The argument turned to hostile Latvian in my midst and I was at a loss for why I was even there. I was a little embarrassed but growing more angry as I pitched I would do the job myself. In the middle of my brooding, I heard God saying, "You don't work and give for the sake of people loving you. You are here for me, and your work for me because the glory is mine." A tough pill to swallow. I'm one of those people who lovesssssss serving, when people are kind...or at least not opposed to me. But then this scripture was washing over me:
7 Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die. 8 But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. (Romans 5:7-8)
How could I show real love, like God's in this moment? I took the opportunity at the end of the night to say "thank you" to that woman for providing (even unwillingly) some help that I had needed in order to get through the evening with slides. It wasn't what I wanted to say, or what she deserved, but it was what was right. I saw her melt for a second and she walked away saying "Well, of course, that's what I'm here for." There wasn't any major resolve for happy moment that came afterward but I saw 2 things:
1) God wants my obedience and my unwavering devotion as I've been called
2) God's goodness changes people and communicates more than what we can logically prepare.
Not my favorite experiences, but some defining and significant lessons that the Lord has prepared me with. I'm closer to God's heart this way, and that's so much more whole.
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