Its almost like you don't really have to TRY to stay fit around here, without a car that is. I kept telling God while I was in the states 'I'm going to get back into shape' and 'oh yeah, ill get back on my workout regiment after my cold goes away'... good intended practices and semi motivated projects that didn't amount to too much for too long. That busy-ness I mentioned in my last post didn't help me either. I really did want to get back on the being-fit-horse, but I bet you can understand how excuses, and convenience, can get in the way of things.
I'm paying for it now! There are SO MANY hills, and mountains are 'no big deal' around here. Some sweet people from the church provided us with a few bikes to use upon arriving, mind you it'd been at least 2.5 years since I'd ridden a bike. I'd been previously banned from biking and almost walking altogether after I got hit by a car (twice), on foot and on bike. Jeremiah and I joke that I might have 9 lives. We got on our gifted bikes with big adventures in mind. We couldn't get to the next block before one of us knocked a chain off the cycle and the other nearly road into oncoming traffic! It wasn't too long before we remembered how to ride those silly bikes and now we can really feel cool...feeling cool also means sore thighs and buns. There has GOT to be a cycling seat pillow out there for us!
Beautiful Åletjern, it was worth the trouble to get there. |
Christina and I enjoying a handful of our successful blueberry picking. Searching for wild blueberries in Norway is one of THE summer thangs to do with friends! |
Awesome friends with amazing stories, showed us a good volleyball time! (Left to right, Mohsen, Jeremiah, Jamal) |
Celebratory post 3-hour volleyball picture! (top left to right, mohsen, jamal, jeremiah bottom left to right, allison, marit) |
us a lot of peace, and the potential to break in to secret gardens that we often aren't even aware exist in ourselves, and that's pretty rewarding...even if that means I have to do some extra stretching when I get home.
Silent tears as I hear and taste the Holy Spirit in your writings. God gives courage in the place of fear and hope in the place in surrender. God be glorified.